
söndag 21 december 2008

Fallout 3 - Surviving The Post-Apocalyptic DC

Fallout 3 by Bethesda Softworks boasts of a robust character development system along with great graphics, a fantastic story and a fascinating menagerie of mutant monsters for you to bash, shoot and blast your way through. The streets of DC can be a mean place for unsuspecting warriors though. Let me put together some handy game tips that may be quite productive.
Go the VATS way: Use the VATS system in combat. This is very helpful when you are facing off against tough monsters or when your ammo level is low. This system helps you finish your enemy off quickly and with little ammo expenditure. Aim for the head to maximize damage. Otherwise, you could also shoot the enemy's feet to bring him down to his knees, thereafter finishing him off with a melee weapon.
Reload your weapon often: Reload your assault rifles and energy weapons frequently. These consume ammo pretty fast and you don't want to run out of ammo in the middle of a face off with a mutant. Also, use VATS to spend your ammo more efficiently.
Suit up: Grab some good armor as soon as you have a chance. Armor reduces damage received in combat.
If it's broken, fix it: Learn how to repair your gear. Your armor and weapons will lose durability as you use those in combat. By repairing, you restore the functionality and also make the item more efficient in its usage.
Stay healthy: Learn a little Medic or Doctor skills. These skills can help you stay alive when medical kits are hard to come by.
Steer clear of the Bosses: Be careful of the Boss monsters. In Fallout 3, the bosses are so powerful that most can take you down quickly. Stay away whenever possible and riddle them with bullets from afar. Use VATS system frequently to maximize damage.
Use these tips and use your common sense to stay alive in the hostile alleys and killing fields of Washington DC.

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