
lördag 7 november 2009

Paid to Be Trashy

By John Kirzno

It is 6 AM and while you are still sound asleep in bed, the men and women who work for the trash hauling companies have already been on the road close to an hour going from house to house emptying garbage cans and making their rounds to remove your trash.

Other than when we pay the monthly fee to have our garbage picked up almost right on our doorstep, most of us don't give much thought to the trash companies and the services they provide. Perhaps, we should.

These companies and their employees provide a very necessary service for each individual family and for our communities as well.

They not only provide bi-weekly and weekly pick up of our garbage thus helping to keep our homes and yards rodent and disease free, but these people sometimes work ten and twelve hour days in order to meet the needs of their customers.

Besides picking up the ordinary day to day trash, these companies provide a host of other services as well.

They furnish businesses and individuals with trash dumpsters and recycle bins and then pick up the trash and the recyclable goods and take care of them for us.

Many companies also will for a small extra fee pick up and recycle or dispose of your old furniture, electronics, compost and other items for you, saving you the time and effort of doing these things for yourself.

In some areas they haul away brush and even leaves. In others they take care of demolition waste from rebuilding projects or your self roofing job.

There are trash companies that take care of slaughter house waste. Others trash companies take care of industrial waste. Their businesses is trash and they are so good at their business that you don't even notice how efficiently they do their jobs.

Imagine what your life would be without them. With landfill sites now at premium, gone are the old days when families would load their garbage in the back of the truck or the car trunk and take it to the local dump.

If you had to drive to a landfill today you would be required to drive as much as 100 miles or more just to find a landfill.

Instead of taking a minute or two to set a trash can out by the road, you would, by necessity have to spend the better part of the day taking care of your trash. More than likely you could not afford to take that much time once or twice a week so your garbage would build up and attract rodents, and create a germ filled environment in your own house or yard.

Not to mention that you would have no way too haul those items to big to fit in your vehicle. Keeping your home neat and tidy would be difficult if not impossible.

Thankfully, you don't have to worry about such things. The men and women who work for the trash companies do all your worrying and hauling for you. Their job may be considered a trashy business but they are dedicated professionals and they and the trash company they work for are dedicated to giving you great service.

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