
fredag 8 januari 2010

Use Gifts To Build Client Loyalty

By Don Wong

Awareness about corporate gifts is much lesser than that of personal gifts, which are given to friends and families by individuals. Businesses show that they are appreciative to their customers or staff by giving away corporate gifts.

Corporate gifts are usually expensive things and they do not carry any business symbol or brand name, as they are not meant for marketing or advertising. On the other hand, a variety of gift items are often given away for promotional purposes, for example, stationery objects, USB drives, or books. In such cases, the gifts are usually marked with the company's logo before they are distributed to employees or potential customers.

As in the case of any other gifts, the choice of a corporate gift also depends on the person to whom the item is to be presented. For a client, rare and costly objects are the norm, while standard items should be given to employees belonging to the same team or unit.

The perceived value of a corporate gift is its most important characteristic. It is this factor which has the intended effect on the customer or employee, which aids in developing and maintaining a good working relationship with them. However, gifting is sometimes regulated by the law, so a confirmation with your legal department is recommended.

It's advisable to plan corporate gift-giving beforehand by setting a budget, estimating the number of gifts to buy, and looking for volume discounts with retailers. When it come to purchasing gifts for important customers, preparation may not be as important, but for gifts to be given to employees it is necessary. It is important to ensure that there are enough gifts to express your gratitude to every worthy employee.

In conclusion, the custom of giving a corporate gift to your customers and employees is a good option for building strong working relationships. Always keep the law and expense related aspects in mind.

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