
onsdag 17 december 2008

Perfume Personality

Many people wear perfume to attract, be trendy, make a statement, or simply smell good. However, many people as well don't know what kind of perfume really suits them and often make the less than ideal purchase. To make sure you get the right perfume that will react in the best possible way to your body chemistry, you have to determine your perfume personality. Here are some guide questions that will aid you in doing that. 1. Where are you going to use the perfume? Consider the environment and the whole setting of where you are going to use the perfume. For instance, one of the major factors to think of is the weather and climate. Do you live in very humid or hot setting? Do you live in cold temperature? Fragrances with floral tones and a musky base often complement humid weather, as well as green and ocean based fragrances. For cooler climates, deep oriental scents often work great. Aside from the temperature, you have to consider the actual environment you plan to use the perfume. Is it for office wear? If that's the case, you might want to choose a milder musk because not everyone likes a certain fragrance and some may even be allergic to it. If you plan to use your perfume for daytime activities, light, floral and citrus-based fragrances often smell great. Meanwhile for after work celebrations or parties, spicy or amber-based fragrances are recommended. 2. What is your purpose in using the perfume? Be honest in why you want to buy a perfume. Is it simply to complement your natural everyday smell? Is it to avoid smelling so sweaty while working out or exercising? Or is it to attract people and be more desirable? If you plan to use your perfume a lot while working out, get a perfume that's neither too strong nor too mild. Too strong perfume can combine heavily with sweat and evoke an unpleasant smell, while too mild perfume may fail at its purpose. Meanwhile, if you want to wear perfume to attract the opposite sex and be more confident, wear a perfume that best allows you to express what you are and what you feel. There are 6 general perfume categories divided into both type of smell and a person's mood. Floral scents are light and feminine and great to use if you want to feel all feminine and delicate. Fruity scents are perfect if you always want to smell fresh and good enough to eat. Green-based scents are rejuvenating and makes you feel and smell energetic and always on the go. Oceanic scents are light reminders of the waters and are rejuvenating as well. Woody scents are based on leaves and barks are often exotic and seductive. Lastly, oriental scents are sexy and strong and are great fragrances if you want to make a lasting impression. 3. What is your budget? When you've determined every bit of your character and purpose in buying a perfume, you just have to consider one last thing: your budget. It's not a good idea to splurge in a perfume you can barely afford because that also says a lot about you. On the other hand if you feel like splurging because you just want to use it in special occasions, then do so. The most important thing is you feel good and not guilty of your purchase, all things considered.

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